Lauren Clarke ’13 and her family started a wish-granting charity honoring her sister. Colleen Clarke Bucket List Wishes Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation granting wishes to young adults with a life-limiting physical disability or life-threatening diagnosis. Through social media, Lauren reconnected with Allie Pasquale ’13 and Victoria Weisheit ’13. CCBLWishes was able to grant Allie the wish of redesigning a spare bedroom into a healing, oasis escape lounge and art studio. Victoria’s mother, Regina, served as the interior designer for Allie’s project. During the process, another group from the Marist Class of 2013 came together to donate an adorable mini-fridge to the room.
“Allie and Victoria and I are forever grateful to Marist for bringing us together,” said Lauren, “and being able to reconnect through this experience was a gift to us all.”